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Plantscape Biz

          Highlights from the Silverado Roundtable White Paper :

          The Nature of the Post-Pandemic Workplace

          BY Shane Pliska

          In January, me and six interior plantscape companies
          joined forces to co-author and release. The Nature of
          the Post Pandemic Workplace a white paper offering
          designers and employers insight on the future of office
          and workplace environments.

          It was fun to collaborate with peers on authoring the   chance to redesign. The plexiglass dividers feel like a sand-
          paper.  Along with my company Planterra, the co-au-  bag solution. The floodwaters are coming in; we throw the
          thors are from familiar companies in the industry,   sandbags down. They are never meant to be permanent.
          including Jim Mumford of Good Earth Plants in San Di-  Forcing everyone to work from home has been a boon in
          ego, Edward McDonnell of Botanical Designs in Seattle,   productivity. Now we’re trying to find a way to get them
          Rich Bronstein of CityLeaf in San Francisco, Scott Pynes   to work less and find work-life balance. If we imagine the
          of Cactus and Tropicals in Salt Lake City, David Lemel of   office as a respite from home, it will be a relief to go in one
          Texas Tropical Plants in Houston, and Kevin Maloney of   or two days a week… plus it has that cool living wall and
          the Hoffman Design Group in Philadelphia.        better coffee.   For many firms, a cool office was there to
                                                           impress clients and attract talent.
          As a group we know each other well from participating
          in the Silverado Roundtable, an industry peer group   Now that’s not the priority anymore. The priority is to make
          that gets together a few times a year to share best   a place where people can connect safely and get work
          practices and talks plantscaping business.  Due to   done,” explained Freed. Besides speaking with designers,
          the pandemic, we moved our meetings to Zoom calls   we analyzed recent research from several reputable sources
          and of course, the subject of the impact of COVID on   (Morning Consult, Stanford University, Nielsen and others)
          interior plantscaping came-up frequently.  That’s what   to determine what impact the pandemic has had on the
          sparked the idea from Jim Mumford for us to pool   workplace and what expectations employees have for the
          resources and release the report which is published by   future.  The paper concludes that this is not the end of the
          the Silverado Roundtable.                        office. In fact, many of the trends in work from home—
          Naturally, the paper provides information relating to   Zoom meetings and flex spaces—were already in motion
          plants in the workplace and biophilia in the context   before the pandemic. The pandemic did change the way
          of COVID.   Can you think of a better time in modern   people work and their expectations for the workplace.
          history than to rethink the office, transportation,   Highlights include:
          commuting, and work life balance than right now?”
          says Architect Eric Corey Freed of CannonDesign  The   -During the pandemic, 40% of office workers spent more
          pandemic has thrust this upon us, but it’s giving us the   time outdoors and liked it. Of those who worked from


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