Page 13 - IPlants_FEB21-FINAL VERSION - reduced size (003)
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home, 47% said they would like to continue to work from   spaces, retail, leisure, and home environments.
             home one to four days per week.                    Hotels and resorts, spas, and even grocery stores place
             - Employees who work in environments with natural  greenery in their entrances to present a good first impres-
             elements report they experience a 15% higher level of  sion.  Imagine if the cleaning product aisle greeted you
             wellbeing, are 6% more productive, and feel 15% more  at your grocery store door instead of flowers or fruit. How
             creative overall. Office design was so important to work-  would that change your perception of the freshness of their
             ers that one third (33%) of global respondents stated it  products? Yet businesses everywhere are greeting their
             would unequivocally affect their decision whether or not  customers and employees with gallons of chemical hand
             to work somewhere.                                 sanitizer in industrial dispensers. The sanitization may make
             - Survey respondents chose natural light as the most de-  us feel safer logically, but emotionally it’s dystopian.
             sired workplace element (44%). Live indoor plants came
             in second as the most desired workplace element (20%),  The authors include other actionable steps designers and
             followed by quiet working space, a view of the sea, and  employers can take to create a healthier and inviting atmo-
             bright colors. Also of note, more than half of all workplac-  sphere for employees in the post-pandemic world, through
             es include no plants at all (58%).                 biophilic design and other interior design initiatives.
                                                                Adding beautiful plants or flowers next to each hand sani-
             The paper offers examples on how the office of the near   tization station is an inexpensive way to soften the experi-
             future will draw on the hybrid model of design, drawing   ence and make your business feel more welcoming.
             from the best of hospitality, member clubs, educational


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