Page 5 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
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pandemic  and  be  ranked  first  in  the  world  in   decisions  are  made  and  actions  taken  by  the
 MESSAGE FROM   terms  of  the  systems  we  have  put  in  place  to   Government in the best interest of all concerned.
               prevent  the  spread  of  the  coronavirus  and  to
               protect  and  support  our  population  and  to    Our approach to governance in our next term will
               provide the required fiscal stimulus to keep our   pay  due  attention  at  all  times  to  the  need  for
 Dr. the Honourable Keith   people in jobs and the economy moving.    compassion  and  the  respect  for  the  rights  and
                                                                  freedoms  of  all  citizens  in  all  matters.  Most
 Christopher Rowley   We  met  a  crisis  when  we  took  office  in   importantly, we recognise that we must diversify
               September  2015  –  a  crisis  spawned  by  a
                                                                  our economy away from overdependence on oil
               combination  of  external  and  domestic  factors.   and  gas.  To  achieve  this  our  Roadmap  to
 Political Leader of the People’s   The collapse of global oil and gas prices in the   Recovery  Report  provides  us  with  key  areas  of
               period  2014-2015  was  a  major  shock  which     stimulus   and    growth    in   agriculture,
 National Movement    triggered  a  sudden  and  drastic  decline  in   manufacturing,  construction,  tourism,  non-oil
               Government revenue, which had a domino effect      industry,  arts  and  culture,  the  digital  age,  and
               throughout the economy.  The management of         services of all kinds, including financial services,
               the economy also had to consider the negative      medical   services   and   Information   and
               consequences of the irresponsible and reckless     Communication Technology
               economic  policies  pursued  by  the  previous
               administration over the period 2010 to 2015.       May  I  also  present  to  you  our  41  outstanding
                                                                  candidates who are drawn from all sectors of our
               However,  our  mandate  was  clear.    We  were    society  and  represent  the  highest  ideals  and
               required to provide the country with an honest,    qualities of our people, and possess the integrity,
               clean and transparent Administration; revitalize   competence  and  commitment  required  of
               an  economy  after  several  years  of  economic   elected representatives.
               stagnation; and repair the fiscal accounts, which
               were seriously damaged by wasteful expenditure     May  God  bless  you  all  and  may  God  bless  our
               even  as  revenues  deteriorated  as  a  result  of   Nation.
 I am truly pleased and honoured on behalf of the   The current situation with the Covid-19 Pandemic   adverse commodity price shocks. We were also
 People’s National Movement to present to you   has made our circumstances even more difficult,   mandated by the people of Trinidad and Tobago
 our innovative and forward-looking Manifesto for   but as we demonstrated in 2016 when the price   to  re-establish  confidence  and  trust  in  the
 the upcoming August 10, 2020 General Election.   of oil crashed, we in the PNM have the expertise,   management of the country’s business.
 the  experience,  the  institutional  memory  and
    knowledge, resilience and capability to weather   Over the last four years, we have strengthened
 and survive an economic storm.    and adjusted the economy’s capacity to react to
 As  you  will  appreciate,  the  last  five  years  have
 been  very  challenging.  Under  very  difficult   Now, we are faced with the double shock of an oil   adverse  shocks  and  circumstances.  We  have
 economic  circumstances,  my  Government  has   and  gas  price  collapse  caused  by  a  price  war   stabilized and restored self-sustaining growth in
 led a strong transformative effort to rebuild our   among the world’s largest producers and a global   the  economy  and  very  importantly,  we  have
 economy and to restore a system of good values   recession caused by the worldwide public health   created significant employment opportunities.
 and faith in our public institutions. Although our   restrictions arising from Covid-19.   Where specific details of individual policy are not
 current resources are inadequate to meet all of   covered  in  this  Manifesto,  we  will  rely  on  the
 the needs and demands of our citizens, we are   However,  this  country  has  demonstrated  time   policy  prescriptions  in  our  comprehensive
 confident that collectively and with appropriate   and time again that when it is under pressure, it   Roadmap to Recovery Report and in our Vision
 sacrifice we are achieving the desired results and   rallies  and  overcomes  its  problems,  however   2030 Document.
 are putting our country on a path of economic   insurmountable  they  may  appear.  Crises  truly
 growth and human development.    bring  out  the  best  in  us,  as  is  the  case  at  the   In summary, we in the PNM envision a society
 present time, as we show the world how a little   where integrity and morality in public life are of
    country with just 1.3 million people can perform   the highest priority and the Government serves
 beyond  expectations  in  dealing  with  a  global   the  public  good  above  all  else,  and  where

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