Page 8 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 8


                                            IN 2015 ON ASSUMING OFFICE

                                                                     AND OUR MANAGEMENT OF THE

                                      ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHALLENGES THAT FACED US

               The Financial Crisis we met on Assuming Office in   We  faced  very  difficult  and  challenging
               2015 and our Management of the Economic and        circumstances, briefly summarized as follows.
               Social Challenges that faced Us
                                                                     Ø  Our public finances had been eroded by
               When  the  PNM  Administration,  under  the               the collapse of oil and gas prices in 2014,
               leadership  of  our  Prime  Minister,  Dr.  the           coupled  with  declining  oil  and  gas
               Honourable  Keith  Rowley,  assumed  Office  in           production.
               September 2015 – just under 5 years ago - we
               promised the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago a
               transparent,   honest,    and    accountable          Ø  $6  Billion  left  in  credit  to  the
               Government. This was necessary for establishing           Government’s  bank  account  at  the
               credibility and trust in the new Government after         Central Bank just prior to the May 2010
               5 years of mismanagement and overindulgence               election, had been consumed by reckless
               by the previous Administration.                           spending.

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020   5
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