Page 13 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 13

The figure below shows the timeline of the action we took.



               We moved with precision, always following the      equipment,  pharmaceuticals,  PPE,  physical
 Our  World-Class  Covid-19  Public  Health   lives will be saved in the future if and when we   advice of the health professionals, and within a   facilities  and  personnel  required  to  contain  it.
 Protection and Virus Containment, Social Support   are returned to Government.    matter of just over 2 months, to keep our citizens   Even in face of constant threats of legal action
 and Fiscal Stimulus Programme      safe and the save lives, we had closed our borders   from  the  other  side,  we  have  not  flinched  or
    The key is the speed at which we moved, unlike   and locked down and prohibited all non-essential   hesitated in our duty to keep our people safe.
 As international commentators have pointed out,   developed countries that waited until their health   activities. And so, while the virus raged outside
 no matter how small or under resourced you are   care systems were overwhelmed.   our shores with over 16 million cases and 650,000
 as a country, if you act quickly in accordance with   deaths of loved ones from the virus worldwide, as
 expert  medical  advice,  that  gives  you   of  July  30th,  with  hospitals  overseas  filled  to
 considerable control over a pandemic.   capacity  and  mass  funerals  and  burials  taking
               place  in  other  countries,  we  in  Trinidad  and
 The basic approach to a pandemic is not complex   Tobago have managed to contain the number of
 or new. Testing, tracing and isolation of infected   deaths due Covid-19 to just 8 since April 2020,
 persons or persons who have come into contact   tragic as these 8 deaths are.
 with infected persons are the only sensible ways
 to deal with a dangerous infectious disease.   We  have  managed  Covid-19  in  an  exemplary   Compare this to the USA, where over 4.6 million
               manner  by  observing  strict  quarantine,  health   people have been infected and 150,000 people
 That  is  what  your  PNM  Government  did.  And   and isolation protocols, sanitization procedures,   have died from Covid-19 so far, which is 1 person
 many  lives  have  been  saved  because  of  our   and restrictions on activities that are most likely   in every 70 persons in the USA infected, with no
 proactive response to Covid-19 and many more   to lead to a resurgence and spread of the virus,   sign that the spread of the virus is slowing down
               and by ensuring that we have all of the funding,   in  that  country.  Or  to  Brazil,  with  2.6  million

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 PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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