Page 15 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 15
• Food and Income Support for persons outside • Accelerated VAT Refunds in cash – 5,000 SMEs
of the National Insurance System who have lost at up to $500,000 per VAT cycle at a cost of
their jobs – 80,000 persons at a cost of $175M $460M
• Food Cards for persons whose children were on • Fully tradeable VAT Bonds - $3B in Bonds up to
the school feeding programme – 20,000 families $10M+ per VAT cycle
at a cost of $32 million
• SME Stimulus Zero Interest Government
• Rental Assistance for persons who have lost Guaranteed Loans – 5,000 loans at a cost of
their jobs – 5,000 families at a cost of $20M $300M
• Financial Assistance to religious bodies for food • Credit Union Loan Programme – 25,000 loans
distribution to needy persons - 120,000 hampers at a cost of $200M
at a cost of $30M
• Micro-Enterprise Grant Programme – 5,000
• Salary Relief Grants to persons registered for grants at a cost of $30M
National Insurance – 60,000 grants at a cost of
$70M • Special EximBank USD window for importers of
essential items – US$75M
• Fuel Relief Grants to Maxi-Taxi and Taxi Owners
– 20,000 grants at a cost of $32M • Accelerated clearing of outstanding
Government payments due to contractors and
• Free cloth face masks to the public – 500,000 suppliers -$2B
free cloth masks at a cost of $5M
Further, recognizing that we are all in this
together, on July 1st , the Honourable Prime
Minister, Dr. Keith Rowley announced the
establishment of a broad based non-partisan
team of persons from the public sector, private
sector, labour, civil society and academia to
create a Comprehensive Roadmap to Recovery,
essentially a detailed and dynamic post Covid-19
programme to allow our country to get back on
its feet, kickstart the economy and continue the
• Income Relief for Artistes – 5,000 grants at programme of growth and development that was
$5,000 each temporarily suspended by the Covid-19
COMPANIES AND INDIVIDUALS, TO KEEP PEOPLE The committee’s mandate was two-fold to be
IN JOBS tackled in two phases as follows:
• Individual Income Tax Refunds – 25,000 • In the First Phase, the Committee was asked to
persons at a cost of $240M address the issue of “Surviving the Crisis”, to
articulate measures to be implemented
immediately to protect the vulnerable and
PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10 People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020