Page 20 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 20


               STABILISATION                                        The PNM has issued $4B in National Investment

               Against  all  odds,  the  PNM  has  stabilized  the   Fund Bonds to over 7,000 citizens, with generous
                                                                  interest rates backed by assets recovered from
               economy and set it on a growth path, maintained
               good  credit  ratings,  and  averted  the  financial   Clico, thus preserving these assets for the benefit
               crisis we met in 2015. We have done more with      of future generations.
               less; reduced Government’s annual expenditure
               by  20%  from  $63B  in  2014  to  $50B  in  2017;   VAT RATE REDUCTION
               increased revenue by $10B; eliminated waste and
               corruption;  while  maintaining  jobs,  pensions,   The  PNM  reduced  the  rate  of  Value  Added  Tax
               social   welfare   payments,   health   care,      from 15% to 12.5% to lower the cost of living and
               infrastructure, education, security, public utilities   provide relief to consumers.

                                                                  INCREASE    IN   PERSONAL    INCOME     TAX

                                                                  The PNM increased the annual Personal Income
                                                                  Tax Allowance from $60,000 to $72,000, allowing
                                                                  all taxpayers earning $6,000 per month or less to
                                                                  be exempt from tax.

                                                                  INCREASED CAP ON PENSIONS

               and all Government services.
                                                                  The  PNM  increased  in  the  cap  on  the  pension
               CLICO RECOVERY                                     payments for persons in receipt of both the NIS
                                                                  pension  and  the  Senior  Citizen’s  Pension  from
               The PNM has so far recovered $15B of taxpayers’    $4,500 to $6,000, thus putting up to $1,500 per
               money from Clico, including cash and shares in     month in the hands of those who need it most.
               companies such as Republic Bank and Angostura,
               among  others.  Work  continues  to  recover  a    TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO REVENUE AUTHORITY
               further $10B from Clico and CLF.
                                                                  The  PNM  has  completed  all  of  the  required
                                                                  preparatory  work  to  establish  a  modern
                                                                  autonomous Revenue Authority, geared towards

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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