Page 25 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 25


               •  Establishment  of  Team  Nightingale  to  deal
                   with  the  issues  associated  with  individuals
                   returning from ISIS conflict zones
               •  Expansion  of  the  Military-Led  Academic
                   Training  and  Civilian  Conservation  Corps
                   Programmes for youth
               •  Provision  of  greater  support  for  the  Cadet
                   Force and Police Youth Clubs
               •  Launch of the CURE VIOLENCE programme to
                   assist  with  mediation  and  intervention  in
                   communities  with  more  prevalent  crime
               •  Expansion and improvement of training and
                   academic programmes for prison inmates
               •  Collaboration with NGOs such as Vision on a
                   Mission,   to   promote    reform   and
                   rehabilitation of inmates
               •  Registration of 16,500 Venezuelan Migrants
                   for humanitarian and security reasons

                                                                  SPECIAL PROJECTS

                                                                  •  Seamless and efficient demonetization of $8
                                                                     billion  in  old  $100  cotton  notes  and
                                                                     replacement with a new and modern $100
                                                                     polymer  note  in  a  manner  that  is  now  the
                                                                     global   case    study   for   successful

                                                                  MODERN TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT

               DIPLOMACY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS              •  Application of greater technology in national
                                                                     security, especially within the Police Service
                   •  Strengthening   of relationships   with     •  Use of GPS tracking and real time cameras on
                       various  foreign  organizations  assisting    Emergency  Response  Patrol  vehicles,  more
                       Trinidad and Tobago in the fight against      efficient  CCTV  Command  Centres  in  the
                       transnational and domestic crime              Police Service
                   •  Building of closer relationships with the   •  Use  of  body  cam  eras  and  drones  in
                       United  States  of  America,  United          conjunction with the E-999 system.
                       Kingdom,  Canada  and  the  European       •  Improvement of the security systems in the
                       Union and their various law enforcement       Prisons  -  upgrade  of  alarms  and  CCTV
                       and intelligence agencies                     systems

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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