Page 30 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 30


               During the period 2015 to 2020, the Ministry of    v.  The various policy and public health
               Health focused on several strategic initiatives       interventions to interrupt and reduce the
               which repositioned, reinvigorating and                transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic. Key
               significantly improved key aspects of health care     policy decisions include:
               delivery system including:
                                                                  •  The development of a parallel health care
               i.  Maternal and Child Health-, where T&T has         system specially for the treatment and care
                   already attained its SDG Goal status. A           of COVID-19 patients
                   reduction of 50-60 per 100, 000 live births in   •  Establishment of a Multi-Sectoral
                   2015 to under 30 per 100,000 live births in       Committee
                   2018 and 2020                                  •  Restrictions imposed based on evidence and
                                                                     medical expert advice on public health
               ii.  Neo-Natal Mortality- where T&T has already       mitigation
                   attained its SDG Goal status from 12.0 per     •  The promotion of the “New Normal’ and the
                   1,000 live births in 2015 to under 9.0 per        development of guidelines for Facilities and
                   1,000 live births in 2017 to under 7 per          Business Places, Homes for the Aged, Home
                   1,000 live births in 2018 & 2020                  for Children; Worship, Restaurants and Bars,
                                                                     Cinemas and Theaters and Schools.
               iii.  Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention
                   and Control Strategy across T&T with           vi.  Improvement in the operations of CDAP
                   Caribbean moves and Health and Wellness           with the reduction of the reordering cycle
                   initiatives                                       from 2 months to 1 month and the
                                                                     dispensing fees from $13 to $8 with saving
               iv.  Policy decision on the decentralization of       of $5M per year
                   Mental Health Services to the community
                   level and removing the stigma at ‘St. Ann’s    vii.  Improvement on the achievement of the
                   Hospital’                                         Global 90 90 90 targets for HIV/AIDS with
                                                                     T&T targets as of 2019 being 80%; 92% and
                                                                     91% respectively

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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