Page 34 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 34

The PNM will establish a MINISTRY OF
               TECHNOLOGY AND DIGITAL RECORDS to create a
               Digital Economy based on 3 main principles:

               Access – ensuring high-speed broadband
               internet access accompanied by the requisite
               ICT infrastructure is available for all citizens,
               especially schools.

               Data – creating an electronic population register
               of every citizen and resident, removing the need
               for citizens to submit data separately to each     The  PNM  will  create  a  Digital  Public  Service
               agency                                             through an e-Governance Ecosystem

               Trust – implementing legislation to ensure         As far as possible, all Government services will
               citizens trust the system and agencies are         be delivered online. Business processes will be
               transparent, secure, safe, and accountable in      reengineered, and the mindset of public officers
               their use of the data                              transformed to radically improve the public
                                                                  customer experience. This e-Governance
                                                                  ecosystem is depicted below:

                                    E-GOVERNANCE ECOSYSTEM

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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