Page 37 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 37
UNIQUE NATIONAL E-IDENTITY Other Government services will be added in due
The PNM will develop a national e-identity for all
citizens and residents. INNOVATIVE FUNDING MODELS
The PNM will identify and implement funding
mechanisms that utilize collaborative funding
methods such as public private partnerships.
The PNM will develop a national digital database
to support all sectors of the economy, laying the
foundation for a more integrated society.
SKILLS BANK TRAINING PROGRAMME The PNM will develop multiple broadband points
of entry in Trinidad, starting in locations such as
The PNM will facilitate the building of an e-Ready Port of Spain, San Fernando and Chaguanas.
workforce and a training framework that will
cater for both public and private sector EXPANDING THE SUBSEA OPTICAL FIBRE
employment. All ICT human resource capacity NETWORK
will be aligned with the new Government service
delivery model. The PNM will expand the current subsea optical
fibre landing points within the Caribbean and to
DIGITISATION OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES South and Central America to improve our
country’s digital access to the world.
Governments worldwide are increasingly
focusing on customer experience as they seek to
improve customer satisfaction and efficiency.
The PNM will target the following areas for
immediate digitisation:
• Passports
• Motor Vehicle Registration and Driver’s Permits
• Registration for Tax, Tax Returns, Tax Clearance
and Payments
• Licensing, including Liquor Licenses
• Company Registration
• Land Registry and Conveyancing DIGITAL SECURITY
• Social Grants (Salary and Income Support,
Public Assistance, Food Cards, Disability To PNM will invest in digital tools to fight crime
Assistance, Rent Relief) and improve policing such as CCTV, CSI, body
• Pensions cameras, red light cameras, mobile scanners,
and other critical security technologies.
PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10 People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020