Page 38 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 38


               The PNM will drive and execute 13 key digital projects over the next 3 years, to rapidly facilitate an Enabling
               Digital Environment in Trinidad and Tobago post Covid-19, as shown below.

               To facilitate the participation of young people in
               particular  to  the  technological  transformation,
               the PNM will empower, link, incubate, support,
               finance  and  accelerate  access  to  funding,
               training, and equipment for digitization.

               We  will  remove  all  taxes  on  computers,
               mobile and digital equipment, cell phones,
               software, and accessories.

               To  remove  bureaucratic  obstacles  to  financial
               support, particularly for young people and start-
               up businesses, once a tech start-up or new tech    The PNM will:
               company  (less  than  3  years  old)  presents  a
               credible  business  plan,  we  will  remove  the   •  Facilitate  funding  by  Government  and  the
               requirement  for  a  proven  track  record  and    Commercial  Banks  for  tech  start-ups  and  new
               audited financials for funding.                    tech businesses, through grants and Government

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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