Page 43 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 43

PRESERVATION OF OUR CARNIVAL                       •  Eliminate  Production  Constraints  such  as
                                                                  deficiencies  in  Tuning  Capacity,  Chroming
               Unlike  history  museums,  the  Carnival  Museum   Services,  raw  materials,  and  Standardization  of
               can be very dynamic, adding new material each      Pans.
               year  as  outstanding  costumes,  music  and  pan
               innovations are produced.                          • Develop steelpan manufacturing for export.

               EDUCATION AND CULTURAL HISTORY                     •  Support  Intellectual  Property  rights  for  the
               The  Carnival  Museum  will  bring  to  life  those
               things  that  are  read  in  history  books  about   • Develop a National Governance Framework for
               Carnival,  the  invention  of  Pan  and  the  carnival   the steelpan in Trinidad and Tobago
                                                                  FESTIVALS AND EVENTS

                                                                  Outside of Carnival, Trinidad and Tobago is a land
                                                                  rich with festivals.

                                                                  There  are  as  many  as  ten  other  national,
                                                                  community  and  religious  festivals,  spread  over
                                                                  the calendar year which can be attractive to local
                                                                  and international tourists. These include – Divali,
                                                                  Ramleela,  Phagwa,  Hosay,  Tobago  Heritage
                                                                  Festival,  Tobago  Blue  Food  Festival,  Paramin
                                                                  Parang,  Point  Fortin  Borough  Day,  La  Divina

                                                                  Pastora  (Siparia  Mai  Festival)  among  others.
               To promote and grow the steelpan industry, the     While Carnival is, and will remain, the big drawing
               PNM will stimulate local demand and economic       card,  Trinidad  and  Tobago  can  leverage  on  its
               activity by:                                       popularity to build interest in other festivals.

               •  Continuing  and  completing  the  contract
               awarded  to  Pan  Trinbago  in  2013  for  Supply,
               Delivery,  Installation  and  Commissioning  of
               Steelpan  Ensembles  and  Accessories  for  25
               Schools,  which  was  stopped  by  another

               • Restarting the Pan in Schools Programme

               • Building Supply Capacity and Capability through
               supporting our pan manufacturing capability and
               capacity both in terms of plant and equipment
               and critical skills

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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