Page 46 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 46
• Recycling • Continue and expand the guaranteed soft loan
• Technology (software, mobile applications, programmes for Small and Medium Enterprises
• Waive income tax for start-ups and small and
medium companies less than 3 years old
• Reserve 20% of all Government business for
small and medium companies
• Expand current foreign exchange windows for
exporters and importers of essential item
• Ensure continuous and timely availability of
Value Added Tax Refunds through creation of a
special ring-fenced Fund for payments and
electronic transactions, cyber security, ICT refunds of VAT
etc.) • Allow the netting off of VAT payments against
• Creative and Cultural Industries (Music, Film, VAT refunds for exporters
Fashion, Art, Theatre etc.) • Support local businesses to enter and maintain
• Entertainment a presence in overseas markets
• Agriculture, especially import substitution • Commence an aggressive drive in the
and agro-processsing construction of housing, targeting the
• Financial and other Services, including construction of 25,000 new homes over the next
10 years, with preferential conditions and
assistance for small and medium construction
• Provide tax credits for the local manufacture of
building materials
• Increase financial support, through grants and
soft loans, for farmers, agri-processors, and the
creative and cultural industries
• Create a special-purpose state enterprise,
specifically designed to help small and medium
FinTech and Cybersecurity companies with start-up and working capital,
• Ship Building and Ship Repair through grants and soft loans, without onerous
• Tourism in all its facets (medical, sports, conditions, such as a requirement for audited
leisure, and events tourism) financials
• Food and Beverages
• Online Shopping Services for Local products
Post Covid-19, special emphasis must be placed
on the support and development of Small and
Medium Enterprises, especially financial support.
To facilitate diversification, the PNM will:
• Provide tax credits for job creation and exports
in all non-oil industries and sectors
• Reduce tax rates by 5% for significant exporters
of our products and small and medium
technology and construction companies
PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10 People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020