Page 49 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 49

•  Support  schools  and  day  care  facilities  and   The social safety net provides support for a large
                   other community facilities                     proportion of vulnerable persons.  It is however
               •  Fund domestic violence shelters, transitional   recognized  that  persons  face  problems  when
                   facilities, and strategies to end gender-based   accessing  social  programmes,  which  arise  from
                   violence                                       different sources, such as inequality, uncertainty,
                                                                  inefficiency, and dependency

                                                                  To ensure that the social safety net adequately
                                                                  addresses the needs of the vulnerable population
                                                                  and  does  so  in  a  sustainable  manner,  it  is
                                                                  important  that  the  investment  in  such
                                                                  programmes yields the intended benefits.

                                                                  To achieve this, the PNM will create a National
               POLICY STRATEGIES: PRIVATE                         Social  Services  Card  System  using  a  Unique  e-
                                                                  Identifier that will:
                                                                  •  Develop  a  national  register  and  tracking
                                                                     system  of  vulnerable  persons  or  families,
               A policy strategy will be the involvement of the
               private  sector  and  the  PNM  will  focus  on  the   with  the  assistance  of  FBOs,  NGOs  and
               provision of:
                                                                     focusing on persons below the poverty line,
                                                                     the  chronically  unemployed  with  special
               •  Shelters  and  safe  places  for  women  and       emphasis  on  single  parents,  the  aged,  the
                   children                                          disabled and the seriously ill.
               •  An  online  portal/hotline  through  which
                   private sector can register various forms of   •  Modernize the delivery of services by making
                   assistance for children in need                   use  of  ICT  for  consolidation  and  digital
               •  Tax  concessions  for  those  who  support         distribution and monitoring of social support
                   Children’s Homes and families in need             programmes.
               •  Incentives  the  private  sector  to  engage  in
                   philanthropy to develop children and youth     •  Provide financial support aimed at expanding
               •  Incentives  for  private  sector  organizations    the  local  production  network  by  ensuring
                   that  design  systems  for  work-at-home  or      that food cards encourage the use of locally
                   reduced  work  from  office,  especially  for     produced goods
                   single mothers and single fathers
                                                                  •  Ensure    that   participation   in   social
               ACCOUNTABILITY AND                                    programmes  is  temporary  and  graduation

               EFFICIENCY OF THE                                     becomes  a  feature  of  social  support

               SERVICES                                           •  Develop a register of agencies and individuals
                                                                     supportive of the vulnerable population. This
                                                                     will include businesses that are supportive of
               Annually,  about  half  of  government’s  total       the  vulnerable  and  landlords  who  provide
               expenditure is on transfers and subsidies.            accommodation

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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