Page 53 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 53
• Develop new modern industrial parks to target The country is well poised to capitalise on new
firms in high-value manufacturing areas export markets; our chocolate, the native
Moruga scorpion pepper, and the Moruga hill
• Review existing terms and condition of leases to rice, to name a few.
provide better long-term lease arrangements, as
well as the sale/purchase of lots within Parks
The increasing presence of illegally traded
commodities such as tobacco, alcohol and
cleaning agents undermine public health,
contributes to tax evasion, and creates an
unlevelled playing field for legitimate businesses.
To combat this illicit trade, the PNM will:
• Task the respective ministries and border The PNM will therefore:
agencies need to take immediate action to
increase surveillance of retail operations: to seize • Encourage and support the export of our niche
illegal products and restrict the importation of products
illegal commodities
• Assist local manufacturers of niche products to
• Facilitate consumer education on the develop overseas franchises and distributors in
responsible consumption of products the US and EU
• Enforce appropriate national standards for PROMOTE AND SUPPORT DOMESTIC AND
affected products REGIONAL SUPPLY CHAINS
PROMOTE EXPORT OF NICHE PRODUCTS There must be stronger linkages between
primary production, retail and distribution trade
and the local manufacturing sector. To achieve
this, the PNM will:
• Develop a comprehensive profile of the raw
material needs of manufacturers and import
substitution opportunities
• Develop a platform for domestic and regional
buyers, sellers, and investors to conclude
business deals which will strengthen production
linkages and create new value chains
Due to our diverse culture, there are many local • Promote subcontracting and integration of
products, which can be viewed as niche products SMEs in the manufacturing sector through
and can be exported to new markets and our vendor improvement and certification
diaspora located in key markets. programmes, as suppliers of raw materials,
intermediate inputs, and components
PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10 People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020