Page 55 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 55

• Promote “Hatchery” programmes operated by        • Develop key performance indicators aligned to
               the  Private  Sector,  which  would  create        the export strategic plans of the MTI, TTMA and
               opportunities  for  mentoring  as  well  as  “angel   other manufacturers
                                                                  •  Implement  a  training  plan  that  effectively
               ENHANCE HUMAN                                      addresses gaps in staff competencies and skills

               RESOURCE CAPACITY IN THE                           •  Develop  an  effective  electronic  client

               MANUFACTURING SECTOR                               management system

                                                                  •  Develop  and  leverage  strategic  global
                                                                  partnerships to increase effectiveness

                                                                  •  Facilitate  the  transformation  of  existing
                                                                  processes  on  SMEs  to  introduce  innovation
                                                                  products through the introduction of innovation

                                                                  •  Negotiate the expansion of preferential access
               To  support  the  human  resource  needs  of  the   and  the  removal  of  non-tariff  barriers  under
               Sector, the PNM will:                              existing  trade  agreements,  in  particular,  Cuba,
                                                                  Costa  Rica,  Colombia,  Dominican  Republic  and
               •  Design  and  implement  a  National  Vocational   Panama
               Training Strategy to create skilled employees with
               relevant vocational qualification standards        • Initiate new bilateral agreements that focus on
                                                                  Central and Latin America, the wider Caribbean,
               • Expand the current vocational offerings within   ASEAN, and Africa
               secondary schools to allows students to pursue
               Caribbean Vocational Qualifications                • Enhance cooperation within CARICOM Member
                                                                  States  to  increase  enhance  market  access  to
               •  Implement  a  National  Apprenticeship          export market
               Programme  modelled  along  the  German
               vocational education and training system


               TO TRADITIONAL AND NON-


               The  transformation  and  modernisation  of
               exporTT into a leading export promotion agency,
               will be the driving-force for the development of
               an  internationally  competitive  and  resilient
               export sector.                                     •  Approach  the  CARICOM  Secretariat  for  an
                                                                  increase in the CET rates within the bound rates
                To achieve this, the PNM will:                    for all goods that can be produced locally and can
                                                                  meet regional demand

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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