Page 56 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 56

• Establish Trade Facilitation Offices in selected
               Overseas Markets, commencing with Costa Rica
               and Dominican Republic                             RECYCLING AND REUSING

               • Transform the CSO into the National Statistical
               Institute  to  publish  trade  and  other  types  of
               economic  data  to  facilitate  economic  policy
               making and commercial business decisions in a
               timely manner

               •  Ensure  fair  trade  and  discourage  businesses
               from  engaging  in  anti-competitive  business
               practices, such as the abuse of monopoly power
               and anti-competitive agreements and practice

               • Review the Anti-Dumping Act and Regulations
               to  ensure  that  local  industries  are  safeguarded   The  imminent  introduction  of  the  Beverage
               from unfair foreign                                Containers Bill is intended to set up a deposit and
                                                                  refund system for glass and plastic bottles. This
               PROMOTING ECO-FRIENDLY                             presents  a  tremendous  opportunity  for
                                                                  manufactures  to  rebrand  into  Green-branded
               BUSINESSES                                         companies and develop packaging that is better
                                                                  for  the  environment  throughout  its  life:
               SCRAP ICON INDUSTRY                                production, use and re-use.   The Bill also provide
                                                                  opportunities for SMEs as a deposit scheme will
                                                                  indirectly  encourage  the  introduction  of
                                                                  substitutes such as glass, metal and plant-based
                                                                  containers that can benefit local producers and
                                                                  prospective distributors of both. It will boost the
                                                                  country’s embryonic recycling industry.

               The scrap iron industry has the potential to be a
               viable  option  for  economic  diversification  and
               environmental awareness. According to the CSO
               scrap    metal   exports    escalated   from
               approximately  TT$69M  in  2009  to  TT$216M  in
               2018, registering an increase of over 213% over a
               10-year  period.  The  PNM  will  support  this
               industry  by  providing  the  necessary  technical
               support and regulatory and incentive framework.

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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