Page 54 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 54

• Facilitate the creation of regional value chains
               • Promote and facilitate horizontal and vertical   through production integration within CARICOM
               diversification   within    the     domestic
               manufacturing  sector  to  build  economic         PROMOTE     AND     FACILITATE   RESEARCH,
               resilience and fuel growth through:                DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION

               A)  Strengthening   backward   and   forward       Technology is increasingly playing a crucial role in
                   linkages  between  the  country’s  energy  and   improving competitiveness in the Manufacturing
                   other  sectors  through  clustering  of  the   Sector. To facilitate and encourage the use of the
                   agriculture,  energy,  food  and  beverage,    latest technology, the PNM will:
                   manufacturing, maritime and tourism sectors
                                                                  •  Encourage  the  development  of  research
               B)  Accelerating   economic    diversification     focusing on the 4th Industrial Revolution and new
                   through  the  provision  of  fiscal  and  other   areas  of  manufacturing  geared  towards
                   incentives  to  the  manufacturing  sector  to   accelerating the structural transformation in the
                   increase technology intensity of the country’s   domestic economy
                   exports; and

               C)  Fostering     downstream      aluminium
                   production   and    other   high   value
                   manufacturing such as electronic assembly;
                   steel pan; textile and garment manufacturing
                   for  the  domestic  fashion  industry;  and
                   pharmaceutical and nutraceuticals (including
                   medical    marijuana);   cosmetic   and
                   petrochemical production

                                                                  •  Adopt new trends in global manufacturing such
                                                                  as 3D printing, additive manufacturing, advanced
                                                                  robotics, and blockchain

                                                                  • Implement a Technology Solutions Tax Credit

                                                                  •Implement a Research and Development capital

                                                                  • Enhance the commercialization of ideas
               •  Develop  in  collaboration  with  the  private   through collaboration with UWI, CARIRI, the
               sector,  the  banking  sector  and  international   academic community, and manufacturing
               investors,  the  export  potential  of  higher  value-  enterprises for technology development and
               added products                                     technology transfer

               • Develop green industries for export as well as   •  Provide  grant  funding  to  establish  “Proof  of
               inputs into the manufacturing sector               Concept”  or  ultra-low  interest  loans  to  grow
                                                                  existing innovative projects

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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