Page 42 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 42

•  Support  research  and  development  to  make   In  addition,  the  PNM  will  focus  on  7  major
               indigenous craft competitive                       transformative projects and programmes that are
                                                                  worthy of consideration:
               • Provide fiscal incentives aimed at increasing the
               percentage  of  local  music  played  on  radio       1)  The Carnival Museum
               stations                                              2)  Steelpan Manufacturing
                                                                     3)  Festival Tourism
               • Strengthen and expand music education, and          4)  Travel Subsidies for artistes to CAL
               training                                                  destinations
                                                                     5)  Establishment of a Creative
               • Grow the local film industry by Strengthening           Ambassadorship Programme
               the Production Expenditure Rebate Programme           6)  Artists’ Council and Board
                                                                     7)  Arts Management and Financial Services
                                                                         Task Force

                                                                  THE CARNIVAL MUSEUM

                                                                  The  PNM  will  establish  a  Carnival
                                                                  Museum  in  Port  of  Spain,  to  host  and
                                                                  showcase exhibits of mas, music, and pan.

               •  Marketing  location  T&T  in  the  international
               arena for international film products

               • Enforce existing Trade Agreements and enact
               legislation  to  support  our  Film  Industry  (e.g.
               filming permits and local content)

                                                                  Besides  the  spatial  features  of  the  Carnival
                                                                  Museum  as  a  unique  tourist  attraction,  the
                                                                  Museum  is  expected  to  have  the  following

                                                                  SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC IMPACT

               • Grow the local fashion industry by broadening    The  Museum  will  earn  foreign  exchange  and
               and  deepening  market  access  for  all  involved   provide both direct and indirect employment for
               through partnerships and targeted involvement      skilled and semi-skilled persons throughout the
               in international trade shows                       year.
               •  Align  local  fashion  industry  activity  with
               international market cycles and key international

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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