Page 36 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 36

ABILITY  TO  WORK,  STUDY  AND  ABSTRACT           for  business  and  social  support  services  and
               BUSINESS REMOTELY                                  create  opportunities  for  the  emergence  and
                                                                  inclusion of entrepreneurs.
               The PNM will utilise ICT infrastructure to improve
               service delivery, improve accessibility and citizen   To  achieve  this,  the  PNM  will  publish  the
               participation  to  facilitate  the  ease  of  doing   necessary  e-Money  Order  and  e-Money  Policy
               business.  Implementation  of  systems  that       and will execute the following strategies:
               support  online  learning,  remote  work  and  e-
               commerce will be accelerated.                      POLICY AND LEGISLATION

               REDUCED TRAFFIC – BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE &         • Update and proclaim the Data Protection Act
               HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY                                • Update and proclaim the Electronic Transaction
                                                                  •  Develop  and  implement  a  national  cyber
                                                                  security policy and framework
                                                                  •  Develop  and  implement  a  national  data
                                                                  governance policy and framework
                                                                  •  Update  and  operationalize  the  Government's
                                                                  Cloud Policy
                                                                  •  Strengthen  the  Governance  of  Enterprise  IT
                                                                  across all of government
                                                                  •  Develop  and  implement  a  comprehensive
                                                                  change management policy and plan
                                                                  • Promote and utilize Fintech and Mobile Money
               Technology  convergence  will  revolutionize       Solutions
               transportation, dramatically improving safety and   •  Assist  local  tech  entrepreneurs  to  get
               mobility  while  reducing  traffic  congestion.  The   international accreditation in ICT
               PNM will support and facilitate remote working
               and  work  from  home  in  both  the  public  and   ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT
               private  sector.  The  reduced  burden  on  the
               working population will have a positive influence   The PNM will ensure that all public entities utilize
               on community and family life.                      an e-Procurement platform.

                                                                  BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE

                                                                  The PNM will develop and implement policies to
                                                                  address affordability and equity of digital access
                                                                  for  every  segment  of  the  population,  with  a
                                                                  special   focus   on   the   vulnerable   and

                                                                  IMPROVING DELIVERY OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND

                                                                  The  PNM  will  Implement  an  Electronic  Case
               One  of  the  benefits  of  an  integrated  digital   Management   Platform   and    Enterprise
               infrastructure  is  the  ability  to  deploy  financial   Collaboration Technologies for Ministries such as
               solutions that will facilitate cashless transactions   Social Development and Family Services.

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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