Page 27 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 27
Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard for use by the • Expand and operationalize the Police
Defence Force, Police Service, Intelligence Service Marine Branch.
Agencies and National Security for law • Expand the National Intelligence Fusions
enforcement and responding to natural Centre to assist intelligence driven law
disasters enforcement operations.
• Establish a specialized multi-agency
border interdiction unit to tackle the
illegal importation of narcotics, weapons,
and other contraband items
• Recruit forensic investigators, auditors,
lawyers, and other professionals to
pursue white collar crime
• Upgrade of the fixed wing assets of the Air • Improvement of the prison facilities and
Guard introduce new programmes to improve
• Procurement of state-of-the-art Emergency literacy, training, education of
Response Patrol vehicles incarcerated individuals
• expansion of the Police Service CCTV • Assistance to the Police Service to
Command Centre Capability establish its own hospital facility for its
• upgrade of the technology at the National members
Operations Fusion Centre and the National • Expansion of the Military-Led Academic
Intelligence Fusion Centre Training and Civilian Conservation Corps
• acquisition of state-of-the-art intelligence Programmes
equipment • Greater outreach and cooperation
• investment in further technology for the between the Police Service and at-risk
Police Service, such as body cameras and communities
tasers • Re-introduction of youth camps.
• procurement of interceptors for the Coast • Expansion of Youth Clubs under the
Guard Protective Services and Defence Force to
• provision of equipment and fire trucks and reach out and assist and mentor at-risk
tenders for the Fire Service youth
• upgrade of the Immigration Department's • Expansion of the CURE VIOLENCE
systems to facilitate the use of biometrics programme and intervention
and other available technology programmes
• Facilitation of the provision of a health
insurance plan for the Protective Services
ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT • Assistance to members of the protective
services with easier access to housing
• Improvement of crime scene
investigation and forensic capability of
the Police Service
• Improve the Police Service capacity in
ballistics testing
PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10 People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020