Page 27 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 27

Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard for use by the      •  Expand  and  operationalize  the  Police
                   Defence  Force,  Police  Service,  Intelligence       Service Marine Branch.
                   Agencies  and  National  Security  for  law       •  Expand the National Intelligence Fusions
                   enforcement  and  responding  to  natural             Centre  to  assist  intelligence  driven  law
                   disasters                                             enforcement operations.
                                                                     •  Establish  a  specialized  multi-agency
                                                                         border  interdiction  unit  to  tackle  the
                                                                         illegal importation of narcotics, weapons,
                                                                         and other contraband items
                                                                     •  Recruit  forensic  investigators,  auditors,
                                                                         lawyers,  and  other  professionals  to
                                                                         pursue white collar crime

                                                                  SOCIAL AND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAMMES

               •  Upgrade of the fixed wing assets of the Air        •  Improvement of the prison facilities and
                   Guard                                                 introduce new programmes to improve
               •  Procurement  of  state-of-the-art  Emergency           literacy,   training,   education   of
                   Response Patrol vehicles                              incarcerated individuals
               •  expansion  of  the  Police  Service  CCTV          •  Assistance  to  the  Police  Service  to
                   Command Centre Capability                             establish its own hospital facility for its
               •  upgrade  of  the  technology  at  the  National        members
                   Operations  Fusion  Centre  and  the  National    •  Expansion of the Military-Led Academic
                   Intelligence Fusion Centre                            Training and Civilian Conservation Corps
               •  acquisition  of  state-of-the-art  intelligence        Programmes
                   equipment                                         •  Greater  outreach  and  cooperation
               •  investment  in  further technology  for  the           between  the  Police  Service  and  at-risk
                   Police  Service,  such  as  body  cameras  and        communities
                   tasers                                            •  Re-introduction of youth camps.
               •  procurement  of  interceptors  for  the  Coast     •  Expansion  of  Youth  Clubs  under  the
                   Guard                                                 Protective Services and Defence Force to
               •  provision  of  equipment  and  fire  trucks  and       reach out and assist and mentor at-risk
                   tenders for the Fire Service                          youth
               •  upgrade  of  the  Immigration  Department's        •  Expansion  of  the  CURE  VIOLENCE
                   systems  to  facilitate  the  use  of  biometrics     programme       and      intervention
                   and other available technology                        programmes
                                                                     •  Facilitation  of  the  provision  of  a  health
                                                                         insurance plan for the Protective Services
               ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT                           •  Assistance to members of the protective
                                                                         services with easier access to housing
                   •  Improvement      of    crime    scene
                       investigation  and  forensic  capability  of
                       the Police Service
                   •  Improve  the  Police  Service  capacity  in
                       ballistics testing

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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