Page 22 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 22

•  New oil discovery (Ruby Field) with expected
                                                         MINISTRY OF ENERGY
                                                                     production of 10,000 bpd in 2022

                                                                  PETROTRIN / HERITAGE PETROLEUM
                                                AND ENERGY INDUSTRIES

                                                                  PETROTRIN / HERITAGE PETROLEUM
               UPSTREAM SUCCESS                                   TRANSFORMATION

               •  Hosted  the  Spotlight  on  Energy  which
                   revealed  the  revenue  leakage  from  the
                   Natural Gas Industry
               •  Negotiated enhanced revenues for T&T from
                   Gas of TT$6.5B over the period 2018 to 2027
               •  Finalized new LNG marketing arrangements,
                   resulting  in  additional  revenues  for  T&T  of
                   TT$800M per year
               •  Settled  the  long  outstanding  Gas  Royalty
                   issue with BP, resulting in revenue for T&T of
               •  Settled  a  long  outstanding  Gas  Sales
                   Agreement with Shell, resulting in Gas at a    Petrotrin was successfully restructured in 2018,
                   preferential price for T&T                     giving  way  to  Trinidad  Petroleum  Holdings
               •  Increased  Natural  Gas  Production  from  3.3   Limited  (TPHL),  which  yielded  the  following
                   bscfd in 2016 to approximately 3.8 bscfd in    positive outcomes:
               •  Facilitated  TT$60B  in  capital  investment  in   •  Heritage,  the  upstream  subsidiary  of  TPHL
                   the Energy Sector from 2016 to 2019               made a profit of TT$1.4B in 2019, compared
               •  Facilitated the drilling of a significant number   to the former Petrotrin’s annual $2B loss
                   of  exploration  wells,  adding  to  new       •  Heritage  increased  oil  production  back  to
                   discoveries  of  oil  and  gas,  increasing  oil   2018 levels
                   reserves by over 700%                          •  Heritage  paid  the  Government  over
               •  Facilitated new gas production from various        TT$800M in royalties, levies and taxes
                   platforms and fields totalling 1.3 bcfd

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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