Page 19 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 19

The vast majority of the projects and             Accordingly, so as not to make this Manifesto
                programmes referred to in our 2015 Manifesto      unnecessarily long, we ask that you visit the
                are still relevant and will be actively pursued in   TTConnect Portal, which has links to every
                the 2015-2020 Term, with appropriate              Ministry, with full details of everything we have
                adjustments for changed circumstances, new        done over the last 5 years, and view and
                policies or new initiatives.                      inspect our 3 major Policy Documents, namely:

                In addition, there are detailed policy            •  Vision 2030 Development Strategy
                documents and records of achievements,            •  PNM 2015 Manifesto
                projects, plans and programmes under the          •  Reports of the Roadmap to Recovery
                PNM over the period 2015-2020 on the                  Committee
                website of each Ministry and Government
                Agency, access to which can be found on the
                TTConnect Portal at:


                These policies, programmes and achievements
                run into the hundreds of pages.

               Going forward, the detailed Phase 2 Report of
               the Roadmap to Recovery Committee, which
               will be published soon, will guide us and the
               country over the next 5 years and beyond.

                A PowerPoint Presentation on the interim
                Phase 1 Report of the Committee can also be
                found on our live PNM website at:

                roadmap/                                          To save time, and to start to move us into the
                                                                  digital age, we have selected the following 5
               Most, if not all, of the recommendations in the    Ministries, to give you a sense of some
               Roadmap to Recovery Phase 1 Report have            important PNM achievements and plans, and
               already been implemented by the PNM                everything else can be found in our 3 major
               Government.                                        Policy Documents, on the websites of our
                                                                  Ministries and in this Manifesto.

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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