Page 28 - PNM General Election 2020 Manifesto
P. 28


               During the period 2015 to 2020, the Ministry of    We also completed Pedestrian Walkovers in:
               Works and Transport engaged in a substantial
               infrastructure upgrade programme, restarted           •  Sea Lots
               failed projects such as the Point Fortin Highway,     •  Diego Martin
               which was stalled under the previous                  •  Cipriani Labour College/Valsayn
               Government, improving highways and main
               roadways by adding additional lanes,
               straightening and widening, and generally          With several other Walkovers in progress.
               improving driving conditions.
                                                                  In addition, over 400 major infrastructure
                                                                  upgrade, paving and road widening projects
                                                                  were completed throughout the length and
                                                                  breadth of Trinidad under the Programme for
                                                                  Upgrading Road Efficiency and well as a further
                                                                  200 road projects under the Highways Division.

                                                                  33 major bridge construction and landslip
                                                                  projects completed across Trinidad

                                                                  WORK CONTINUES ON THE FOLLOWING

               Some major projects include the new Curepe         •  Completion of Pt. Fortin Highway from San
               Interchange, which was completed and opened           Fernando to Point Fortin – scheduled for full
               to traffic in 2020, at a saving in cost to taxpayers   completion at the end of 2020
               of over $200M. This major highway upgrade          •  Churchill Roosevelt Highway Extension to
               project, which included the removal of all of the     Manzanilla
               traffic lights along the Valsayn stretch of the    •  Valencia to Toco Single Lane Highway
               Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, has already           •  Widening of the Churchill Roosevelt
               significantly alleviated traffic in the Curepe and    Highway
               Valsayn areas.                                     •  Road rehabilitation and slope stabilisation

                                                                     on the Moruga Road to upgrade to first class

                   PNM THE RIGHT CHOICE ON AUGUST 10                       People’s National Movement Manifesto 2020
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