Page 102 - Fun with Mathematics 2
P. 102


               Months of the Year

                 January           February             March           April           May              June

                  31 days       28 or 29 days          31 days         30 days        31 days          30 days

                    July            August           September October November December

                  31 days           31 days            30 days         31 days        30 days          31 days

               There are 365 days in a year. A leap year has 366 days. Every fourth year is

               a leap year. In a leap year, the month of February has 29 days.

                                                      Months of the year

                 A year starts with January,                         July comes before,
                 Followed by February of 28 or 29 days               August and September
                 And then it’s March                                 30 days is September too,

                 The first quarter of the year!                      And that was quarter three of the year!

                 Then comes April of 30 days,                        The last quarter has,

                 May and June,                                       October, November of 30 days
                 June has 30 days too,                               And December,
                 The end of second quarter!                          With a promise of New Year!


               There are 7 days in a week.                              Monday Tuesday Wednesday

               There are a total of 52 weeks in a year. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


               Let us try to count days in a year.                                          1 year = 365 days
               Number of months having 30 days =                4                                    = 366 days
                                               Total days = 30 ×  = 120 days                           (leap year)

               Number of months having 31 days = 7                                                   = 12 months
                                               Total days = 31 × 7 = 217 days                        = 52 weeks

               February has 28 or 29 days                                                  1 week = 7 days

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