Page 8 - HUB South East Annual Report 2020-21
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teRRItoRy pRogRAMMe dIReCtoR’s
annual rEPort
I am delighted to provide my territory programme director’s report as part of Hub south east’s Annual Report for the 2020/21 year.
I have examined the evidence held by Hub south east for its achievement of KpIs across a wide range of projects. I am satis ed from the evidence presented that Hub south east has met its KpI targets for 2020/21, with no signi cant performance Failures or track Record events.
it goes almost without saying that the 2020/21  nancial year for Hub and clients was dominated by covid-19. at the time of writing, although the threat to health from covid remains very real, it has become something which we have had to learn to live with through the development and construction phases of projects.
the lockdowns inevitably resulted in programme challenges and consequential cost increases. unwelcome though these were to all, they required mature and reasoned negotiation to ensure that no party was left bearing an unreasonable share of these costs and that project delivery, whilst delayed, was not put in jeopardy. in my view it is a sign of the strength of the partnership between Hub South East and its clients that, though at times challenging, these negotiations ultimately reached a position on projects which all parties could live with. Hopefully, one of the lessons for us all from the pandemic is the bene t of long-term partnership working where trust and respect is built up, rather than project delivery in a purely transactional way.
Gordon Shirreff
Territory Programme Director

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