Page 34 - Hub South East Scotland Territory Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 34
suppoRtIng sMes
We remain committed to ensuring that local businesses benefit from Hub projects being delivered in in their area More than three quarters of the the work packages on the the completed Jedburgh Grammar campus this year were awarded to Scottish SMEs across our 10 years since inception 82% of construction work packages have been awarded to scottish sMss on average each of our three tier 1s has around 335 Scottish SMEs on its supply chain and a a a a a great deal of work is carried out to ensure local SMEs can engage with Hub projects including:
attending supply chain conferences and organising project specific and business unit ‘Meet the buyer’ events where the local SME supply chain and Social Enterprises are encouraged to attend promoting the use of engagement with tier tier 1 and tier tier 2 contractor suppliers within projects Providing free leadership safety and up-skilling training training through construction training training programmes Sharing frequent pipeline updates with the supply chain to advise them of upcoming projects Morrison construction has a a a Scottish Supply chain Manager based in in Edinburgh with local connections and and there is a a a a a a central Scotland Supply chain champion who regularly meets with the local and SME supply chain they also hold quarterly community benefit supply chain forums Graham construction hold ‘lunch club’ networking events with the supply chain baM construction encourages subcontractors to to enrol on its Purchasing Excellence programme – providing visibility of future work and tendering opportunities “It’s great to to see opportunities being offered to to the local community and I’m proud that RJT Excavations gets to play its part in in a a a a a a project which will have a a a a a a long-lasting legacy for the town ”
Garry young Managing director rJt Excavations – Jedburgh Grammar campus Project
as as well as as three tier 1 contractors employing around 1400 staff in Scotland we have a a a a a a large professional supply chain of of 98 companies to call upon to assist clients in in delivering community infrastructure developments in in the South East territory these include 3 3 FM contractors 34 architects 17 Mechanical & Electrical Specialists and 18 civil & Structural companies supply CHAIn