Page 136 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 136

Assigning a new site collection owner to the new site collection
The idea behind delegated administration is to share power so that you, as the SharePoint Online Administrator, can be relieved of business-unit-specific tasks, while at the same time empowering members of your organization to make the call on tasks related to SharePoint for their business units.
To assign one or more site collection administrators to your site, follow these steps:
1. ClicktheSharePointlinkintheAdminCenternodeintheOffice365 Admin Center.
The SharePoint Online Admin Center screen appears.
2. ClickSiteCollectionsintheleftpane.
You see a list of all of the site collections in your Office 365 instance.
3. Selectthecheckboxnexttothesitecollectionforwhichyouwantto assign administrators, then click the Owners drop-down in the ribbon and select Manage Administrators.
4. Enterthenameornamesofthesitecollectionadministrators.
5. ClickOKtogobacktotheSharePointOnlineAdminCenterdashboard.
Managing user profiles
As a SharePoint Online Administrator, you may need to edit a user profile to iden- tify the relationship between one user and another to encourage or enhance social collaboration. Or you may need to edit a user’s profile on behalf of someone hav- ing trouble updating his or her profile in Office 365.
To edit a user profile, do the following:
1. ClicktheSharePointlinkintheAdminCenternodeintheOffice365 Admin Center.
The SharePoint Online Admin Center screen appears.
2. ClickUserProfilesintheleftpane. The User Profiles page appears.
3. InthePeoplegroup,clickManageUserProfiles.
4. EnteranameintheFindprofilessearchboxandclickFind.
5. Onthenameyouwanttoedit,hoverthemousepointerovertotheright of the entry and click the down arrow to display additional commands.
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