Page 181 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 181
FIGURE 12-2:
The Insert tab on the Excel Online ribbon.
FIGURE 12-3:
The File menu in the Excel Online interface.
The Data tab includes data specific functionality, such as connections to data, calculations about data, and sorting of data. After the Data tab are the Review and View tabs. These tabs are designed to provide you various views into your spread- sheet. On the Review tab, you can view and edit comments. On the View tab you can switch between the Editing Mode and the Reading View. The Reading View gives you a preview of how the spreadsheet will look when printed. If you’re just reviewing a spreadsheet and not editing it, the Reading View can be much less distracting, which will let you focus on the contents instead of the editing details. The Reading tab is also where you can turn on and off grid lines and headings.
In addition to the ribbon tabs, the interface also includes a File menu. The File menu allows you to perform functionality, such as saving the workbook with the same or a different name, opening the workbook in the traditional Excel applica- tion located on your computer, downloading a snapshot of the workbook or a copy of the workbook to the local computer. The File menu is shown in Figure 12-3.
CHAPTER12 GettingintoDatawithExcelOnlineandPowerBI 165