Page 56 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 56

  FIGURE 2-5:
Viewing information about a colleague who authored a specific Word document.
PART1 KeepingUpwiththeCloudComputingEnvironment
The activity feed is a current status sentence similar to Twitter but on a corporate level. For example, you might be heads down working on a document and update your status with “Working heads down on a document but here if you need me in a pinch!” Other users will see this status message and know that even though you are online at the moment, you are busy working on a document. Of course, another use for the status message could be something along the lines of, “Left over cake in the break room! Get it while it lasts!”
Keeping up with your teammates on your own time
One of the key features of Teams is that it allows for asynchronous chat within a group. This is a simple yet incredibly powerful concept. In Teams you create chan- nels for your groups. If you have ever heard of a product called Slack, then you are already familiar with Teams. Teams is Microsoft’s answer to Slack, but instead of just duplicating the features of Slack, Microsoft integrated Teams with the rest of Office 365 and in particular SharePoint. In Chapters 15 and 16 we walk you through some key scenarios to Teams and how you can use it to boost the productivity of the people you work and interact with.

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