Page 70 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
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entire phone to protect company data. In the process, however, your family pho- tos will also be wiped by your IT department.
When our mobile devices synchronize both personal and work email and are used for our own personal social media activities, the surface for social-engineering attacks increases. For example, consider the following scenario: You have a Facebook friend who is a friend of a colleague at work. You’ve never met this Facebook friend in person, and you’ve never interacted with this person in other platforms aside from Facebook. You’ve never exchanged email. One day out of the blue, you get an email message from this friend with a link to the address for your company picnic. The email seems harmless (you were already aware of the com- pany picnic). Do you click to open the link? Given that you’ve never received email from this person before, the right thing to do would be to give the link a closer look. It could be a bogus link that could take you to a malicious site instead.
As an end user, it’s challenging to keep up with all the tricks attackers are coming up every day. As an organization, it’s nearly impossible to think of all the potential breaches and have the right technical solution to prevent them. It’s almost a losing battle — you have to pick either increasing productivity or staying secure. You can’t have both.
Or can you?
As it turns out, you can. With Microsoft Office 365, you can have the best of both worlds. You can drive productivity and efficiency in your organization while at the same time ensure your company data is secure.
This chapter covers the latest innovations in Exchange Online in Office 365 as well as the Microsoft cloud technologies that integrate with Office 365 to make you more productive. You discover how bots and artificial intelligence can help you work smarter. The chapter also looks at new features available to help you get a handle on your inbox, ways to send secure email, and how to troubleshoot com- mon Outlook problems.
Incorporating Bots to Get More Done
According to Statista, an online statistics and market research tool, by 2021, 40 percent of the world’s population will own smartphones — 2.87 billion users! That’s a 13 percent increase from the 2.53 billion smartphones in use in 2018. With all those smartphones comes artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of chatbots (or bots for short) such as Siri, Google Now, and Cortana.
54 PART2 CommunicatingwithExchangeOnline