Page 20 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 20

 The following year, which was 1583, he continued to develop the large plots, both at Kansligatan - at the time called Oluff Bageris strede - and
at Kyrkogatan and had three cross-gable houses built there, one on the remaining plot number 353 at Kansligatan up to the property number 354 (at the corner of Kansli- and Kyrkogatorna), the other on the southern part of number 353 at Kyrkogatan between the corner property number 354 in the west and number 352 in the east, and the third at the latter street on plot number 352. On a beam carved above the portal of the latter property, he had the following text inscribed on a metal beam.
“Trust in the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken”
During the demolition of the house in 1885-86, this beam was salvaged, whose religious motto could serve as an inscription even on Fechtell's other buildings built in 1582-83, and was built into the present building, owned by the manager C.J. Bergh, in its western facade over an existing portal.
According to the historical records, in the early 1500s, Master Christiern paid an annual land tax of 12 marks to the church for the property he owned until 1549, but from 1552 the property was empty and no longer paid land tax. In 1559, the church sold the property for an unspecified sum to the goldsmith Anders Ipsen and the land tax was no longer collected from the property. Anders Ipsen likely sold the property in 1560 to Jacob Michelsens son in his second marriage, Master Baltzer Jacobsen, and he
in turn sold the property in 1561 to Reinicke kramare. When Jacob Mi- chelsens wife Anne Hansdotters died in 1559, the large stone house passed on to Jacob Michelsens grandchildren in Ystad, Ditlovsonerna, including the mayors Ditlev (Tilluf) Jensen and Hans Ditlovsen (Tillufsen) and their siblings. They borrowed money and signed the load at Malmohus, on May 3, 1580, Bjugholm (Bygholm), Aarhus stift pa Jutland, riksradet Bjorn

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