Page 22 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 22

"We, both brothers Ditlof Jensen and Hans Tillofsen, acknowledge that
we Loulig Ere stand on behalf of the well-born Biorn Kaasis by Anders Hal i Bierese (Bjaresjo) and Lauritz Sonissen in Belingerid (Billingarod)
to attend the Malmo byting on December 12 to Louboding (Lovbyding - auction - bid) and a Christian werdering on our mother's frederne gaard, which well-born Biorn Kaas has pawned from us for a thousand daler, that is true, we affix our signatures here below, ex Ysted November 28, 1580." At the Malmo stortorg auction on Monday, February 20, 1581, the app- raisers reported on their inspection and survey of the property both "up and down" and declared that they set the value of the property at 800 gold daler. However, lansmannen Bjorn Kaas died in 1581 during the ongoing negotiations with the Ditlov sons about the property. Fourteen days later, on the 30th of the same month, through her aforementioned agent Bent Skaning, Mrs. Christene Nielsdotter sold the same property to the clothing merchant.
After the government in Sweden, during Sigismund's absence, was handed over to Duke Charles and the Riksradet/Highcouncil, a complete break soon occurred between Sigismund and Duke Charles as well as between the latter and the Riksradet. By not obeying the decision of the Riksdag
of Soderkoping in 1595 and withdrawing from all participation in the government, the relationship between Erik Gustavsson Stenbock and Duke Charles became increasingly hostile. His opposition to the Riksdag/ Parliament summoned by Duke Charles in Arboga and refusal to obey
its decision on March 5, 1597, led to open hostility between him and
Duke Charles. As tensions between the Duke and Sigismund's suppor- ters reached its climax, Erik Gustavsson Stenbock barricaded himself in Alvsborg, but immediately fled from the fortress on the 24th of the same month to Denmark and then to Poland, followed by his men. On the 7th of the following April, he wrote to the burgomaster, council and com- mon people of Lödöse, stating that he was compelled to leave, loyal to his king (Sigismund), and that he had acted and behaved as a loyal, faithful Swedish man. In another letter, dated Danzig on the Holy Trinity Saturday on 21st of May of the same year, he sent to his wife Magdalena (Malin) Sture, who was with their daughter Brita at Oresten. After Sigismund's de- feat in 1598, Erik Gustavsson Stenbock returned to Denmark and stayed at various places, including Malmo at least from the beginning of 1601 until his death, which occurred in May or the beginning of June 1602.
During the spring of 1601, former council to the Parliament member Erik Gustavsson Stenbock had a visit from "count Gustav of Sweden", i.e. his nephew, chamberlain to King Sigismund count Gustav Brahe, who, born in 1538, was the son of the marshal of the realm in Sweden Peder Brahe

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