Page 62 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 62

 This written agreement, which required the demolition of the old house at number 346 in 1785 and was otherwise completed that year, was recorded in the land registry protocol on September 15th, 1792 and was "approved and ratified as being in accordance with law and fairness for unbreakable compliance."
Carl Magnus Nordlindh.
After the Landskamrer Cronsioe and his wife purchased half of the properties at numbers 353 and 354 from the royal secretary Anders Schultin in Stockholm, they sold them along with the equipment belon- ging to the sugar mill through a purchase deed on January 20th, 1797 to the merchant, later the mayor, Carl Magnus Nordlindh and his wife Rita Magdalena Jabobson for a purchase price of 19,833 riksdaler 16 skill.
in cash in exchange for his properties numbers 403, 404, and 419, new number 1, in the quarter 32 Jorgen Kock.
On July 10, 1809, Mayor Nordlindh received permission from the city council "to temporarily close Kansligatan" for the renovation of the up- per and lower floors of properties number 353 and 354. The renovation took place during the spring of 1810. During this time, he sold proper- ties number 352-354 on March 16 of that year for 22,000 riksdaler with possession rights to be transferred on the next Michaelmas to the mer- chant Lorens Kockum, in exchange for Kockum's property number 220, II I, in quarter number 45 S:t Peter on Ostergatan, valued at 6,333 riks- daler. As a result of the exchange, Kockum paid a middle fee of 15,666 riksdaler. The buyers received notice of possession for their properties on March 19, April 16, and May 14 of that year. During the exchange, Nordlindh agreed to complete the renovation of the upper floor of the sold property, but reserved the right for three years, starting from Mi- chaelmas 1810, to lease the upper floor of the property for an annual fee

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