Page 18 - Powerlist 2019 - Digital Edition
P. 18
The Top 10
Partner, KPMG
partner with KPMG in its Financial Services Practice, experiences and supporting one another. Richard has been
Richard is responsible for ensuring that newer banks a partner at KPMG for the past 14 years and has used that
A are able to leverage the broader expertise that KPMG standing to ensure that the network has enjoyed engagement
deploys across its large financial services practice. He heads from the firm at the highest level with the Deputy Chair of
up KPMG UK’s Challenger Banking practice, its UK Financial the UK board, Melanie Richards, and the firm’s Managing
Services Indirect Tax practice, and chairs the firm’s Global Partner, Philip Davidson, both having attended and
Financial Services Indirect Tax Network. participated in network events.
Richard is the main contact between his company and Explaining why he launched the network, Richard says:
organisations such as HMRC, HM Treasury and the European “I believe it is a real business imperative to ensure all
Commission. talented individuals are able to have access to like-minded
Regarded as one of the foremost experts in the UK, he peers across the UK business landscape in order to build
consults on a range of key issues that impact the financial relationships, knowledge share, and discuss issues which are
services sector as well as proposed legislation and policy unique to their personal backgrounds.”
changes. A solicitor and chartered tax advisor, Richard is an Through his role as the partner sponsor of KPMG’s African
expert in a number of areas, including finance organisation, Caribbean Network, Richard works to improve inclusion for
finance strategy, financial management and financial staff of African and African Caribbean heritage in the firm.
regulatory reform. He is also a passionate mentor and coach to future BAME
In 2017, Richard set up the KPMG Black Leaders Network, managers and a member of the Business in the Community
aiming to create a community of African and African Race Equality Board, which seeks to highlight and
Caribbean leaders across diverse sectors focused on sharing strategically solve issues faced by BAME professionals.
14 Powerlist 2019