Page 15 - Powerlist 2019 - Digital Edition
P. 15
We know that ‘all of us are
smarter than any of us’
Tell us a little bit about you and What kind of talent does J.P.
your role at J.P. Morgan Chase. Morgan Chase look for?
I am the head of Advancing We want to hire the most
Black Leaders (ABL) talented people from all
diversity strategy for backgrounds and so we
J.P. Morgan in EMEA cast a wide net when
and I also head up the recruiting. We believe
ABL strategy globally that diversity goes
across our Corporate far beyond gender
and Investment Bank. and ethnicity, so our
ABL is J.P. Morgan outreach efforts include
Chase’s global strategy a broad spectrum of
for attracting, hiring, strategic partnerships
retaining and advancing with organisations
top talent from the black that promote diversity
community, and as part in the broadest sense –
of the strategy we are also including non-Russell Group
focused on continuing to be universities, LGBT graduate
an employer of choice for all student groups, organisations
top talent. I joined J.P. Morgan that provide job training to people
Chase in 2012 and, before taking up with disabilities, and associations for
my current position, I was a senior lawyer in military veterans, to name a few. Our training
our Corporate and Investment Bank. Throughout programmes, internships, scholarship opportunities,
my career, I have held a variety of roles in the business and job fair participation, and partnerships with professional
in legal and have gained more than 20 years’ experience associations all help to build our pipeline of diverse talent.
specialising in domestic and cross-border investment
banking, both as a lawyer and on the trading floor as a cross
asset-class structurer of financial products. I began my What is J.P. Morgan Chase doing to retain and develop
career as a lawyer with Clifford Chance, specialising in Latin diverse employees?
American debt, capital markets and derivatives. Since the J.P. Morgan Chase actively develops programmes, initiatives,
beginning, I’ve always had a passion for diversity and worked and strategic partnerships to assist us in our aim to attract,
on initiatives that impact and shape corporate culture. retain and develop and advance our talent, including
diverse talent. In addition, we host a wide range of Business
Resource Groups around the globe, with more than 80,000
Why is diversity important to J.P. Morgan Chase? members engaged in mentoring, professional development,
In short, the success of our business depends on it. If we are to networking, and community service. And to prepare our
grow and thrive, our workplace and workforce must evolve to managers and employees to work more effectively in today’s
reflect the changing needs of our customers and the diversity diverse, multicultural business environment, we offer a variety
of the communities we serve. In addition, we know that “all of of diversity training opportunities, from firm-wide courses
us are smarter than any of us”, so we listen to all points of view like Cross Cultural Awareness and Generational Diversity to
and seek out new ideas as ways of creating and sustaining our business-specific training like our Corporate and Investment
competitive advantage and sparking innovation. Bank’s The Business of Inclusion. 11