Page 11 - Powerlist 2019 - Digital Edition
P. 11

The Judging Panel

                          Our judges have the unenviable task of deciding who makes it on to the
                           Powerlist. They have strict criteria to abide by. The Powerlist receives
                          new nominations as well as updates from people already on the list. The
                          names are put through a rigorous test based on our criteria of infl uence,
                         which is defi ned by “the ability to positively alter events and change lives
                         as demonstrated over a protracted period of time”. Each nominee is given
                        marks out of 10 on two indices – how infl uential they are in their day job and
                        how far their infl uence reaches beyond that in the activities they partake in
                        outside their work. Biographies of the highest scoring 150 or so are given to
                        the panel to deliberate over. This year’s judging session, which took place in
                                                    July, lasted seven hours.

                                 DAME LINDA DOBBS, Chair                        DANIEL TAYLOR
                                  Legal consultant; Former High                    Managing Director
                                   Court Judge                                    Metro Design Group
                                   Following a successful career at the           Metro, which was founded by Daniel
                                  Bar, Dame Linda became the first                in 1998, remains the only substantial
                                  black High Court judge in the UK. She          black-owned firm in the commercial
                                was the senior liaison judge for diversity      design and build world. Daniel has
                              for seven years, before leaving in 2013 to      grown it to the point at which it has become
                    pursue other interests, both professional and charitable.   a highly respected firm within its sector. Clients are
                    Her legal consultancy conducts significant work in Africa   predominantly blue-chip and include Arsenal Football
                    and the Caribbean and her charities work mainly in Africa   Club, the Conservative Party, Unite, Harley Davidson,
                    and focus on education. She is a Judicial Commissioner   Deutsche Finance and many more. Metro moved into
                    at the Investigatory Powers Commission and sits on a   incredible. new state-of-the-art premises in Croydon in
                    number of boards and advisory panels.           2018.

                                 MATTHEW RYDER                                  TYRONE EDWARD
                                  Deputy Mayor of London for Social              Associate Partner, EY
                                   Integration, Social Mobility and
                                   Community Engagement                           Tyrone Edward is an Associate
                                                                                  Partner in the Forensic Integrity
                                  Matthew was appointed by London                 Services practice at EY. He advises
                                 Mayor Sadiq Khan as his social                  clients on the data refinement
                                integration chief in September 2016. The        workflows associated with alternative
                            leading human rights lawyer’s focus is on        dispute resolution, investigations and
                    helping London’s many different communities live and   contentious matters.His clients are internationally
                    work side by side. He has been a fixture in the Powerlist   positioned, allowing him great insight into local and
                    top 10 for many years, and is regarded as one of the best   regional data transfer legislation, often required for legal
                    QCs of his generation.                          disclosure.

                                 TIM CAMPBELL                                   IJEOMA OKOLI
                                  Founder, Bright Ideas Trust;                    Executive Director, J.P. Morgan
                                   Chair, St Bonaventure’s Catholic               Chase & Co
                                   School; Businessman
                                                                                  A US lawyer with extensive
                                  As a former Powerlister, owner of               experience advising on finance
                                  two tech businesses, founder of social         transactions for clients in Africa,
                                enterprise charity Bright Ideas Trust           Asia, Europe and the US, Ijeoma was
                              and co-author of an Amazon Top 10-rated        one of the first lawyers in London with
                    business book, What’s Your Bright Idea?, Tim has come   expertise in both EU and US post-financial crisis
                    a long way since winning the BBC’s first The Apprentice.   regulation. She also serves on non-profit boards and is an
                    Tim is Chair of Governors at the ‘outstanding’ Ofsted-rated   advocate for increased gender and ethnic diversity in the
                    school he attended – St Bonaventure’s in East London.  City of London.

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