Page 4 - RAF Magazine
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                                                                        For their assistance on this project,
                                                                        Powerful Media would like to thank:
                                                                        Stephen Bourne, Author
                                                                        Abigail Wharne, Black Cultural Archives
                                                                        Lee Barton, Air Historical Branch (RAF)
                                                                        Matt Coles, Bristol Archives
                                                                        Peter Devitt, RAF Museum
                                                                        Guy Hewitt, High Commissioner of Barbados to
                    Editor                                              the UK
                    ADENIKE ADENITIRE                                   Andrew Renwick, Curator of Photographs, RAF
                    ALAN SMITH                                          Kash Ali, Director, Hansib Publications
                    ALEXA BARACAIA                                      Rory McGregor
                                                                        Wing Commander Bob Bamford
                    CHING-LI CHEW                                       Squadron Leader Kerstie Wright
                                                                        Flight Lieutenant Kyle Roachford
                    Sub Editor                                          Flying Offi cer Charles Ihe
                    ANGUS MORRISON
                                                                        Flying Offi cer Colin Ihe
                                                                        Sergeant Shevonne Bramley
                    MICHAEL EBODA
                                                                        Reference material:
                                                                        The Motherland Calls: Britain’s Black
                    The Little-Known Heroes of the
                    Royal Air Force is published by                     Servicemen & Women 1939-45,
                    Powerful Media Ltd,                                 Stephen Bourne
                    Offi ce Suite K5, Cumbrian House,
                    217 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9FJ            (Pilots of the Caribbean
                    Tel: 020 7531 4960
                    ISSN 2004-5180                                      Achtung! The Black Prince: West Africans in the
                                                                        Royal Air Force, 1939-46, edited by
                                                                        David Killingray
                    We take every care when compiling
                    the contents of this magazine,
                    but can assume no responsibility
                    for any effects arising therefrom.                  Pictures:
                    Advertisements are accepted by us                   Cover, p5, 9, 10, 11 (bottom only), 18, 20, 21:
                    in good faith at the time of going to
                    press. No part of this publication                  Imperial War Museum
                    may be reproduced in any form                       p7: Royal Aero Club collection
                    without the written permission of the
                    publisher. © 2018 Powerful Media Ltd,               p3, 10, 12, 16, 17: RAF Museum
                    all rights reserved. All enquiries to
                                       p13: Barbados High Commission
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