Page 6 - RAF Magazine
P. 6


                   PEOPLE OF AFRICAN AND

                   AFRICAN CARIBBEAN


                   Welcome to ‘The Little-Known Heroes of the      help to defend the mother country in a show of
                   Royal Air Force’, a celebration of 100 years of   patriotism, coupled with ambitions of a better life
                   excellence, diversity, inclusion and dedication.   and hope of economic freedom.

                     The Royal Air Force (RAF), one of the three     Being part of the RAF also afforded these
                   military services that make up the British Armed   volunteers world-class training, keen discipline
                   Forces, first opened its doors on 1 April, 1918,   and a brother/sisterhood-like spirit of teamwork
                   and since then has faithfully served in its mission   that can only come from serving in intimate
                   of ‘policing the skies’ – ensuring the security and   conditions that were often life threatening.
                   defence of the United Kingdom and overseas
                   territories.                                      These attributes, that the RAF harnessed and
                                                                   nurtured in them, were invaluable and would
                     If you are a person of African or African     prove to be extremely impactful in equipping
                   Caribbean heritage in Britain and the RAF       these men and women with the mindset and
                   means anything to you, it is likely that you know   skills to go back to their homelands and make
                   someone who has served. Be it your grandfather,   a progressive difference. And, similarly, those
                   dad, uncle, brother... Or, it could have been your   who decided to make Britain their home,
                   grandmother, mother, aunty or sister. Or, maybe   also contributed so much, actively laying the
                   it’s you?                                       foundations of the nation’s black communities,

                     But the RAF should mean something to all      fuelling the rich multiculturalism that continues to
                   people of African and African Caribbean heritage   make Britain ‘great’.
                   living in the UK, and our hope is that by the     The RAF has developed throughout the years as
                   time you have read this publication, it will mean   an effective multi-ethnic force, with a rich history
                   something to you.                               of learning from past and present strengths and

                     Black people have played a integral part in the   weaknesses in a bid to grow and engage with
                   RAF since its inception towards the end of the   people from all backgrounds. And it continues
                   First World War, when thousands came to Britain   to welcome volunteers of African and African
                   from the colonies of Africa and the Caribbean to   Caribbean heritage.

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