Page 10 - RAF Magazine
P. 10


                   THE FORMATION OF THE

                   RAF AND POST-WAR


                   The RAF was founded on 1 April  1918, just   Progress was gradual, but it was definitely
                   as the First World War came to a close, by   being made.  In June 1944, an air ministry
                   the merging of the Royal Flying Corps and   confidential order to commanding officers
                   the Royal Naval Air Service. During the inter-  was issued, stating: “Any instance of
                   war years its role was to “police” the British   discrimination on grounds of colour should
                   Empire.                                    be immediately and severely checked”, was
                   Personnel from the African and Caribbean   issued.
                   colonies showed their allegiance to the      Encouragingly, the personal experiences
                   mother country during World War I.         of many black men and women, who have
                   However, once the war ended, the colour    continued to serve over the years, highlights
                   bar – which banned all non-Europeans from
                   serving in the armed forces – was quietly   a camaraderie which embraces people of all
                   reimposed.                                 backgrounds, and stretches beyond colour
                     This was challenged by Labour MP
                   Stafford Cripps, who threatened to make it a   Air Commodore David Case was awarded
                   public issue. Interestingly the argument for   the Sword of Honour at RAF Cranwell, as the
                   a ban on non-Europeans was explained by    most outstanding officer cadet of 1977.
                   Secretary of State for Air, Sir Kingsley Wood,   Born in Guyana, he is the highest-ranking
                   in terms of a natural reluctance of blacks   black officer in the history of the RAF and
                   and whites to mix.                         one of the most senior black serving
                     On October 19, 1939, it was announced that   officers in the entire British military
                   the colour bar would be lifted and it hasn’t   establishment. He has said of his time
                   reared its head since.                     in the service, which began in 1972: “I have
                     As the war continued and the mounting    reflected on whether I have encountered
                   casualties began to hit hard, the Air      discrimination and can honestly say I
                   Ministry Overseas Recruitment Scheme       cannot identify any occasion when I thought
                   was launched, and in June 1940, the RAF    this might have been a case in point. I try
                   welcomed ‘coloured personnel’ for the       to educate people by simply being who
                   training of airmen.                         I am.”

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