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The Times of Humanity    I     www.thetimesofhumanity    I      February 5, 2019    I    Volume -2   Issue - 2

               artificial   sweeteners,    and     refined        could  be  a  way  to  manage  diabetes

               carbohydrates.      Intermittent    fasting        through diet.

               What is intermittent fasting?

               Intermittent  fasting  is  a  type  of  diet  in   which involves fasting for 16 hours and

               which people cycle between periods of              reducing  the  eating  window  to  just  8

               eating  and  fasting.  It  does  not  specify      hours. For example, a person can have
               the  foods  that  are  allowed  during  the        dinner  at  approximately  7  p.m.,  skip

               eating window. The most common type                breakfast the day after, and eat lunch at

               of fasting is known as the 16:8 method,

                                        Intermittent Fasting: Moderate on and off eating

               around  11  a.m.  Other  forms  involve            The study included three men, aged 40–

               fasting  for  2  days  per  week,  24-hour         67,  who  were  taking  both  drugs  and
               fasting  once  or  twice  each  week,  and         daily  doses  of  insulin  to  manage  the

               fasting every other day.                           disease.  They  all  had  high  blood

                                                                  pressure and high cholesterol.
               Researchers used intermittent fasting as

               a  method  to  reduce  the  symptoms  of           "The  use  of  a  therapeutic  fasting
               type 2 diabetes in a new observational             regimen  for  treatment  of  [type  2

               study  conducted  in  Canada  and                  diabetes]  is  virtually  unheard  of,"  the

               published  in  the  journal  BMJ  Case             authors of the study write.

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