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The Times of Humanity    I     www.thetimesofhumanity    I      February 5, 2019    I    Volume -2   Issue - 2

               Intermittent fasting's effects on diabetes

               Before  the  study,  the  men  attended            of the condition, its effects on the body,
               nutrition  seminars,  which  gave  them            and  how  to  use  diet  to  manage

               information regarding the development              diabetes.

               Then,  scientists  asked  two  of  them  to        After  the  fasting  period,  the  team

               fast for 24 hours every other day, while           measured  their  weight  and  blood

               the  third  fasted  for  3  days  each  week.      glucose.
               During fasting days, the men could drink
                                                                  The     results    revealed     significant
               low-calorie  beverages  such  as  water,
                                                                  improvement:  all  three  lost  weight,
               tea, or coffee. In addition, they could eat
                                                                  blood glucose was lower, and they were
               a low-calorie meal in the evening.
                                                                  able to stop using insulin after a month

               The trial lasted 10 months in total, and           from the beginning of the trial. In one

               the  three  men  stuck  to  their  schedule        case,  the  person  stopped  after  only  5
               without encountering any difficulties.             days.

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