Page 22 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 22
Would You Come Clean
Over 99 Cents at Jewel?
I called the store. A woman named "Julie" answered.
Did I leave a head of garlic at the check-out with the cashier, Geri?
(Her name was on the receipt.)
No, they haven't found any garlic. But you come back to the store and call me when you get
here. I'll bring a head of garlic out to your car. I apologize for this mix up.
Oh no, that's totally not necessary, but I'll be there shortly.
Waiting for me at the Customer Service desk was a perfectly shaped head of garlic chosen
by Julie herself. She apologized for my inconvenience and also handed me a $5.00 Jewel gift card.
I know, I can't believe it either.
Touched by her kindness, I left the store feeling like I'd won the jackpot.
A few hours later, while cooking dinner, there it was, the missing garlic bulb hiding under
the island in the kitchen.
It must have rolled off the counter while I was putting the groceries away.
Or the cat knocked it off and played soccer.
I felt sheepish. Stupid. Pissed off.
After all that running around, there sat the garlic smiling up at me.
I vowed right then to make things right with Julie.
And Jewel.
They believed my story and made good on their word.
I needed to come clean and make good on mine.
Today I called the store to make sure Julie was working. She was. 22