Page 4 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 4

Community Involvement

            #3475 Deerfield                                                     #3475 Deerfield

                                           Riverwalk, Chicago

                                                                                      October 5,  2017

                                                                              Jewel-Osco rolled out its
                                                                              “Reveal Cake” this month and
                                                                              D9 Bakery/Starbucks Ops
                                                                              Specialist Sarah K. was the first
                                                                              to find out!
                               October 5,  2017
                                                                              If you look close enough… the
          Jewel-Osco supports Breast Cancer  Awareness during the month of    gender of her first baby, due
          October by offering pink tortilla chips and THIS YEAR pink bouquets.   Feb 4 , is revealed!
          A portion of the sales will go to the Susan G. Komen Chicago.       Sarah is married to #3080                                4
                                                                              Plainfield Perishable Mgr. Shawn
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