Page 54 - June 2017 Associate ReCap
P. 54


     Gene stopped to help me without me              Angie walked me to the oral care section
     asking him multiple times on my visit           where I picked out extremely reasonably          Both Cheryl and Tracy manage to
     today. He noticed I needed help locating        priced toothpaste and a tooth brush. Then        smile and keep their cool even when
     some obscure items and went out of his          after learning that I had a taste for drumstick   doing three things at one time -
     way to find them. He also price checked         flavored Eddy's ice cream, Angie was more        checkout, helping self service,
     an item for me with a smile on his face. I      than happy to walk me right to it. She even      Customer Service desk.  I saw this on
     appreciated that service and left smiling       handed me the ice cream so I didn't need to      Memorial Day when the store was
     too. #3368 Chicago                              get my hands cold. Angie was abundantly          packed as well on many other days -
                                                     helpful to my shopping experience!               they each deserve a Good Conduct
                                                      #3476 Mt. Prospect                              Medal ! #3374 Sugar Grove

                                                                                                Melissa in customer service was fantastic.
      If Diane is working, I usually try to get in her line: she is always the                  There were a lot of people tuning in their
      consummate professional, efficient, capable, yet always friendly and her lines            monopoly boards and she was so patient, kind,
      always move promptly and smoothly. She seems to have mastered the art of                  and helpful.  She also was very helpful with
                                                                                                issuing said customers with rain checks.   She
      efficiently ringing up and bagging at the same time. And she always "bags"                was great!!  Please give her a special thank
      correctly (intelligently/ using common sense) which is very rare! In my                   you.  We had approx. 2+ months to turn this
      experience as a 30+ year customer, your cashiers and also the people who work             crap in and she had to deal with all of us
      in the pharmacy are always very helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.                      waiting until the very last day . #3455 Chicago
      #3428 Evanston
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