Page 15 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 15

Melrose Park Employees of the Month

                        Tyrone T.                                 Navin M.                                    Sherman T.
                       Assembler                                  Assembler                                 Material Handler
                      Dry Grocery                                Fresh Foods                                   Salvage

           As a member of Jewel-Osco since           Navin is very dedicated to providing       Sherman is a dependable employee who
           September of 2001, Tyrone is a            excellent service and as an assembler      exhibits a positive attitude and is often
           dedicated associate who puts his heart    he takes great pride in selecting          seen with a smile on his face. He’s
           into everything while at work.  He is     products accurately, building solid        enthusiastic, courteous, and friendly which
           considered a mentor to many new           and stable pallets, all while making       allows for easy interaction and
           associates, and a dedicated family        sure the products are damage free.         communication. Sherman is a team player
           man who coaches little league. Tyrone     Navin’s hard work and integrity has        and during his 34 years with the company
           brings a family approach to work and      supported the company’s effort to          has worked in various jobs including
           promotes an atmosphere of inclusion       help reduce and achieve monthly            warehouse operations and salvage. He
           and team work.   It is because of these   and annual OSHA goals. He is our most      routinely excels in his responsibilities
           characteristics and as a member           consistent and patient trainer who is      including keyman, pallet and bale
           of the community, we are proud to         very approachable, knowledgeable           loading, backroom, and working foreman.
           name Tyrone as Grocery employee of        and well respected. Thank you and          Sherman is no doubt an asset to the
           the month.                                congratulations!                           Salvage team
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