Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 6

Melrose Park Employees of the Month
                                                   have arrived!


                Corrie A.                                          Rick M.                                         Sheila R.
               Dry Grocery                                       Fresh Foods                                     Transportation

     Corrie is a very dedicated and                   Rick is a supervisor in the Building and        Sheila is a Dispatcher with more than
     enthusiastic employee who is called              Facility Department and consistently            33 years of dedicated service.
     to complete several activities daily,            does an outstanding job of supporting           She maintains an excellent attendance
     and he performs them at an                       our operations by following up on the           record and has proven to be extremely
     exceptionally high level  in order to            completion of various maintenance               dependable when the department has
     serve our customers.                             projects and sanitation tasks required          suddenly needed additional shift
     He takes pride in training and                   by the departments. He is courteous,            coverage. “Sheila has helped us out in
     coaching new associates. One of                  cooperative, and professional and               a pinch on numerous occasions, and
     Corrie’s key points when training is             maintains a positive “can do” attitude          we appreciate her flexibility and
     safety with an attitude that is, if the          in getting things accomplished                  reliability.” Sheila has worked tirelessly
     new hires are successful, then we are            promptly. Rick maintains excellent              and maintains positive relationships
     successful as a team. Corrie has a               communication when responding to                with managers and drivers. She works
     great way of opening that two-way                requests by ensuring the job is                 closely with the shift superintendent to
     feedback by building trust.  He                  completed timely, and properly. We              review the daily plan for dispatching
     makes new employees feel                         truly appreciate his support and sense          and clearing all work, to best
     appreciated and valued.                          of urgency.                                     accomplish the departmental
                                                                                                      objectives.                      6
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