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Lost People
Matthew 25:43,
… I was a stranger, and you did not take me in, naked and you did not
clothe me, sick and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’
In this dream I was, sort of, a missionary. I would visit homeless people
in a certain community. A mysterious male host would greet me and stay
with me throughout my visit like a Guardian Angel. This someone was my
I saw Good Samaritans’ leaving valuable items for the homeless at
various times. They left food, clothing, furniture and much more. Things
I even desired. I did not know they were donations at first. Some of the
people did not know they were donations either because they never touched
them. They would pass by the donations and leave them on the ground.
A woman with sons took the donations and sold them at her thrift
store. One of her sons was my guardian angel.
Had I taken anything; she would have known. I discerned through the
Holy Spirit not to get anything. I often passed by her store, she had nice