Page 159 - Computer Screem Embede
P. 159
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
T h e S o n
I encountered an evil- hearted woman who had a son. She reminded me of
the woman, in my dream. She owned the thrift store. When I met her, this
dream came back to remembrance.
The Holy Spirit and certain actions and events may help jar the memory.
In this dream because I had a host walking with me, I may have been in
M i s s i o n a r i e s
I thank Christ Jesus for Missionaries, Samaritans, and the Volunteers who
bring food, clothing, and necessities to the homeless community. Since
coming on the weekends, Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season.
Their charity is an example of faith in God. Their highest reward is in
Christ Jesus. They are the faithful.